Friday, January 11, 2013


I've never been good at keeping a daily journal, although I've always tried.
The first week of school was a bit overwhelming, and seems like a blur to me now, but I hope to fall into a steady rythym overime! I wasn't sure how I was going to like my AML2011 course. (To be honest, I had a class cancellation the Saturday evening before classes started, and AML2011 was one of two classes I could get to fit into my schedule.) But after the first week, I have a better outlook on it and think I will enjoy it. I don't feel I am an excellent writer to any extent, but I enjoy reading very much. (I am also a huge history buff!) I don't feel comfortable yet with Blackboard though. (I have a really bad memory problem, so usually when things are discussed in class, by the time I get home, I can't remember most of what was said. It's unfortunate, but just forces me to take really good notes, or record the lecture (which my doctor's encourage me to do but I don't like to "stand out." also the reason I don't use the "benefits" of the Disabilities Office! I prefer to do things on my own.) Anyway! I am looking forward to tomorrow's class and getting the semester kicked off.